
estimation.feols(fml, data, vcov=None, weights=None, ssc=ssc(), fixef_rm='none', fixef_tol=1e-08, collin_tol=1e-10, drop_intercept=False, i_ref1=None, copy_data=True, store_data=True, weights_type='aweights')

Estimate a linear regression models with fixed effects using fixest formula syntax.


Name Type Description Default
fml str A three-sided formula string using fixest formula syntax. Syntax: “Y ~ X1 + X2 | FE1 + FE2 | X1 ~ Z1”. “|” separates dependent variable, fixed effects, and instruments. Special syntax includes stepwise regressions, cumulative stepwise regression, multiple dependent variables, interaction of variables (i(X1,X2)), and interacted fixed effects (fe1^fe2). required
data DataFrameType A pandas or polars dataframe containing the variables in the formula. required
vcov Union[str, dict[str, str]] Type of variance-covariance matrix for inference. Options include “iid”, “hetero”, “HC1”, “HC2”, “HC3”, or a dictionary for CRV1/CRV3 inference. None
weights Union[None, str], optional. Default is None. Weights for WLS estimation. If None, all observations are weighted equally. If a string, the name of the column in data that contains the weights. None
ssc str A ssc object specifying the small sample correction for inference. ssc()
fixef_rm str Specifies whether to drop singleton fixed effects. Options: “none” (default), “singleton”. 'none'
collin_tol float Tolerance for collinearity check, by default 1e-10. 1e-10
fixef_tol Tolerance for the fixed effects demeaning algorithm. Defaults to 1e-08. 1e-08
drop_intercept bool Whether to drop the intercept from the model, by default False. False
i_ref1 Deprecated with pyfixest version 0.18.0. Please use i-syntax instead, i.e. feols(‘Y~ i(f1, ref=1)’, data = data) instead of the former feols(‘Y~ i(f1)’, data = data, i_ref=1). None
copy_data bool Whether to copy the data before estimation, by default True. If set to False, the data is not copied, which can save memory but may lead to unintended changes in the input data outside of fepois. For example, the input data set is re-index within the function. As far as I know, the only other relevant case is when using interacted fixed effects, in which case you’ll find a column with interacted fixed effects in the data set. True
store_data bool Whether to store the data in the model object, by default True. If set to False, the data is not stored in the model object, which can improve performance and save memory. However, it will no longer be possible to access the data via the data attribute of the model object. This has impact on post-estimation capabilities that rely on the data, e.g. predict() or vcov(). True
weights_type str Options include aweights or fweights. aweights implement analytic or precision weights, while fweights implement frequency weights. For details see this blog post: 'aweights'


Type Description
object An instance of the [Feols(/reference/Feols.qmd) class or FixestMulti class for multiple models specified via fml.


As in fixest, the [Feols(/reference/Feols.qmd) function can be used to estimate a simple linear regression model with fixed effects. The following example regresses Y on X1 and X2 with fixed effects for f1 and f2: fixed effects are specified after the | symbol.

import pyfixest as pf

data = pf.get_data()

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data)

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: f1+f2
Inference:  CRV1
Observations:  997

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -0.924 |        0.061 |   -15.165 |      0.000 | -1.049 |  -0.799 |
| X2            |     -0.174 |        0.015 |   -11.918 |      0.000 | -0.204 |  -0.144 |
RMSE: 1.346 R2: 0.659 R2 Within: 0.303 

Calling feols() returns an instance of the [Feols(/reference/Feols.qmd) class. The summary() method can be used to print the results.

An alternative way to retrieve model results is via the tidy() method, which returns a pandas dataframe with the estimated coefficients, standard errors, t-statistics, and p-values.

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
X1 -0.924046 0.060934 -15.164621 2.664535e-15 -1.048671 -0.799421
X2 -0.174107 0.014608 -11.918277 1.069367e-12 -0.203985 -0.144230

You can also access all elements in the tidy data frame by dedicated methods, e.g. fit.coef() for the coefficients, for the standard errors, fit.tstat() for the t-statistics, and fit.pval() for the p-values, and fit.confint() for the confidence intervals.

The employed type of inference can be specified via the vcov argument. If vcov is not provided, PyFixest employs the fixest default of iid inference, unless there are fixed effects in the model, in which case feols() clusters the standard error by the first fixed effect (CRV1 inference).

fit1 = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data, vcov="iid")
fit2 = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data, vcov="hetero")
fit3 = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data, vcov={"CRV1": "f1"})

Supported inference types are “iid”, “hetero”, “HC1”, “HC2”, “HC3”, and “CRV1”/“CRV3”. Clustered standard errors are specified via a dictionary, e.g. {"CRV1": "f1"} for CRV1 inference with clustering by f1 or {"CRV3": "f1"} for CRV3 inference with clustering by f1. For two-way clustering, you can provide a formula string, e.g. {"CRV1": "f1 + f2"} for CRV1 inference with clustering by f1.

fit4 = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data, vcov={"CRV1": "f1 + f2"})

Inference can be adjusted post estimation via the vcov method:


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: f1+f2
Inference:  CRV1
Observations:  997

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -0.924 |        0.061 |   -15.165 |      0.000 | -1.049 |  -0.799 |
| X2            |     -0.174 |        0.015 |   -11.918 |      0.000 | -0.204 |  -0.144 |
RMSE: 1.346 R2: 0.659 R2 Within: 0.303 

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: f1+f2
Inference:  iid
Observations:  997

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -0.924 |        0.054 |   -16.995 |      0.000 | -1.031 |  -0.817 |
| X2            |     -0.174 |        0.014 |   -12.081 |      0.000 | -0.202 |  -0.146 |
RMSE: 1.346 R2: 0.659 R2 Within: 0.303 

The ssc argument specifies the small sample correction for inference. In general, feols() uses all of fixest::feols() defaults, but sets the fixef.K argument to "none" whereas the fixest::feols() default is "nested". See here for more details: link to github.

feols() supports a range of multiple estimation syntax, i.e. you can estimate multiple models in one call. The following example estimates two models, one with fixed effects for f1 and one with fixed effects for f2 using the sw() syntax.

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | sw(f1, f2)", data)

The returned object is an instance of the FixestMulti class. You can access the results of the first model via fit.fetch_model(0) and the results of the second model via fit.fetch_model(1). You can compare the model results via the etable() function:

pf.etable([fit.fetch_model(0), fit.fetch_model(1)])
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f1
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f2
                           est1               est2
------------  -----------------  -----------------
depvar                        Y                  Y
X1            -0.950*** (0.067)  -0.979*** (0.077)
X2            -0.174*** (0.018)  -0.175*** (0.022)
f1                            x                  -
f2                            -                  x
R2                        0.489              0.354
S.E. type                by: f1             by: f2
Observations                997                998
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Format of coefficient cell:
Coefficient (Std. Error)

Other supported multiple estimation syntax include sw0(), csw() and csw0(). While sw() adds variables in a “stepwise” fashion, csw() does so cumulatively.

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | csw(f1, f2)", data)
pf.etable([fit.fetch_model(0), fit.fetch_model(1)])
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f1
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f1+f2
                           est1               est2
------------  -----------------  -----------------
depvar                        Y                  Y
X1            -0.950*** (0.067)  -0.924*** (0.061)
X2            -0.174*** (0.018)  -0.174*** (0.015)
f1                            x                  x
f2                            -                  x
R2                        0.489              0.659
S.E. type                by: f1             by: f1
Observations                997                997
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Format of coefficient cell:
Coefficient (Std. Error)

The sw0() and csw0() syntax are similar to sw() and csw(), but start with a model that excludes the variables specified in sw() and csw():

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | sw0(f1, f2)", data)
pf.etable([fit.fetch_model(0), fit.fetch_model(1), fit.fetch_model(2)])
Model:  Y~X1+X2
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f1
Model:  Y~X1+X2|f2
                           est1               est2               est3
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
depvar                        Y                  Y                  Y
Intercept      0.889*** (0.108)
X1            -0.993*** (0.082)  -0.950*** (0.067)  -0.979*** (0.077)
X2            -0.176*** (0.022)  -0.174*** (0.018)  -0.175*** (0.022)
f1                            -                  x                  -
f2                            -                  -                  x
R2                        0.177              0.489              0.354
S.E. type                   iid             by: f1             by: f2
Observations                998                997                998
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Format of coefficient cell:
Coefficient (Std. Error)

The feols() function also supports multiple dependent variables. The following example estimates two models, one with Y1 as the dependent variable and one with Y2 as the dependent variable.

fit = pf.feols("Y + Y2 ~ X1 | f1 + f2", data)
pf.etable([fit.fetch_model(0), fit.fetch_model(1)])
Model:  Y~X1|f1+f2
Model:  Y2~X1|f1+f2
                           est1               est2
------------  -----------------  -----------------
depvar                        Y                 Y2
X1            -0.919*** (0.065)  -1.228*** (0.195)
f1                            x                  x
f2                            x                  x
R2                        0.609              0.168
S.E. type                by: f1             by: f1
Observations                997                998
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Format of coefficient cell:
Coefficient (Std. Error)

It is possible to combine different multiple estimation operators:

fit = pf.feols("Y + Y2 ~ X1 | sw(f1, f2)", data)
Model:  Y~X1|f1
Model:  Y2~X1|f1
Model:  Y~X1|f2
Model:  Y2~X1|f2
                           est1               est2               est3               est4
------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------
depvar                        Y                 Y2                  Y                 Y2
X1            -0.949*** (0.069)  -1.266*** (0.176)  -0.982*** (0.081)  -1.301*** (0.205)
f1                            x                  x                  -                  -
f2                            -                  -                  x                  x
R2                        0.437              0.115              0.302              0.090
S.E. type                by: f1             by: f1             by: f2             by: f2
Observations                997                998                998                999
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001
Format of coefficient cell:
Coefficient (Std. Error)

In general, using muliple estimation syntax can improve the estimation time as covariates that are demeaned in one model and are used in another model do not need to be demeaned again: feols() implements a caching mechanism that stores the demeaned covariates.

Besides OLS, feols() also supports IV estimation via three part formulas:

fit = pf.feols("Y ~  X2 | f1 + f2 | X1 ~ Z1", data)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
X1 -1.050097 0.085493 -12.282912 5.133671e-13 -1.224949 -0.875245
X2 -0.174351 0.014779 -11.797039 1.369793e-12 -0.204578 -0.144124

Here, X1 is the endogenous variable and Z1 is the instrument. f1 and f2 are the fixed effects, as before. To estimate IV models without fixed effects, simply omit the fixed effects part of the formula:

fit = pf.feols("Y ~  X2 | X1 ~ Z1", data)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 0.861939 0.151187 5.701137 1.567858e-08 0.565257 1.158622
X1 -0.967238 0.130078 -7.435847 2.238210e-13 -1.222497 -0.711980
X2 -0.176416 0.021769 -8.104001 1.554312e-15 -0.219134 -0.133697

Last, feols() supports interaction of variables via the i() syntax. Documentation on this is tba.

After fitting a model via feols(), you can use the predict() method to get the predicted values:

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data)
array([ 3.0633663 , -0.69574133, -0.91240433, -0.46370257, -1.67331154])

The predict() method also supports a newdata argument to predict on new data, which returns a numpy array of the predicted values:

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data)
array([ 2.14598765,         nan,         nan,  3.0633663 , -0.69574133])

Last, you can plot the results of a model via the coefplot() method:

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1 + f2", data)

Objects of type Feols support a range of other methods to conduct inference. For example, you can run a wild (cluster) bootstrap via the wildboottest() method:

fit.wildboottest(param = "X1", reps=1000)
param                             X1
t value           -14.70814685400939
Pr(>|t|)                         0.0
bootstrap_type                    11
inference                    CRV(f1)
impose_null                     True
dtype: object

would run a wild bootstrap test for the coefficient of X1 with 1000 bootstrap repetitions.

For a wild cluster bootstrap, you can specify the cluster variable via the cluster argument:

fit.wildboottest(param = "X1", reps=1000, cluster="group_id")
param                              X1
t value           -13.658130940490494
Pr(>|t|)                          0.0
bootstrap_type                     11
inference               CRV(group_id)
impose_null                      True
dtype: object

The ritest() method can be used to conduct randomization inference:

fit.ritest(resampvar = "X1", reps=1000)
H0                                      X1=0
ri-type                      randomization-c
Estimate                 -0.9240461507764967
Pr(>|t|)                                 0.0
Std. Error (Pr(>|t|))                    0.0
2.5% (Pr(>|t|))                          0.0
97.5% (Pr(>|t|))                         0.0
dtype: object

Last, you can compute the cluster causal variance estimator by Athey et al by using the ccv() method:

import numpy as np
rng = np.random.default_rng(1234)
data["D"] = rng.choice([0, 1], size = data.shape[0])
fit_D = pf.feols("Y ~ D", data = data)
fit_D.ccv(treatment = "D", cluster = "group_id")
/home/runner/work/pyfixest/pyfixest/pyfixest/estimation/ UserWarning:

The initial model was not clustered. CRV1 inference is computed and stored in the model object.
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
CCV 0.016087657906364183 0.280582 0.057337 0.954909 -0.573393 0.605569
CRV1 0.016088 0.13378 0.120254 0.905614 -0.264974 0.29715