
report.etable(models, type='md', signif_code=[0.001, 0.01, 0.05], coef_fmt='b (se)', custom_stats=None, keep=None, drop=None, exact_match=False, **kwargs)

Create an esttab-like table from a list of models.


Name Type Description Default
models list A list of models of type Feols, Feiv, Fepois. required
type str Type of output. Either “df” for pandas DataFrame, “md” for markdown, or “tex” for LaTeX table. Default is “md”. 'md'
signif_code list Significance levels for the stars. Default is [0.001, 0.01, 0.05]. If None, no stars are printed. [0.001, 0.01, 0.05]
coef_fmt str The format of the coefficient (b), standard error (se), t-stats (t), and p-value (p). Default is "b (se)". Spaces , parentheses (), brackets [], newlines \n are supported. Newline is not support for LaTeX output. 'b (se)'
custom_stats Optional[dict] A dictionary of custom statistics. “b”, “se”, “t”, or “p” are reserved. None
keep Optional[Union[list, str]] The pattern for retaining coefficient names. You can pass a string (one pattern) or a list (multiple patterns). Default is keeping all coefficients. You should use regular expressions to select coefficients. “age”, # would keep all coefficients containing age r”^tr”, # would keep all coefficients starting with tr r”\d$“, # would keep all coefficients ending with number Output will be in the order of the patterns. None
drop Optional[Union[list, str]] The pattern for excluding coefficient names. You can pass a string (one pattern) or a list (multiple patterns). Syntax is the same as for keep. Default is keeping all coefficients. Parameter keep and drop can be used simultaneously. None
exact_match Optional[bool] Whether to use exact match for keep and drop. Default is False. If True, the pattern will be matched exactly to the coefficient name instead of using regular expressions. False
digits The number of digits to round to. required
thousands_sep The thousands separator. Default is False. required
scientific_notation Whether to use scientific notation. Default is True. required
scientific_notation_threshold The threshold for using scientific notation. Default is 10_000. required


Type Description
pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame with the coefficients and standard errors of the models.