Getting Started with PyFixest

OLS with Fixed Effects

What is a fixed effect model?

A fixed effect model is a statistical model that includes fixed effects, which are parameters that are estimated to be constant across different groups.

Example [Panel Data]: In the context of panel data, fixed effects are parameters that are constant across different individuals or time. The typical model example is given by the following equation:

\[ Y_{it} = \beta X_{it} + \alpha_i + \psi_t + \varepsilon_{it} \]

where \(Y_{it}\) is the dependent variable for individual \(i\) at time \(t\), \(X_{it}\) is the independent variable, \(\beta\) is the coefficient of the independent variable, \(\alpha_i\) is the individual fixed effect, \(\psi_t\) is the time fixed effect, and \(\varepsilon_{it}\) is the error term. The individual fixed effect \(\alpha_i\) is a parameter that is constant across time for each individual, while the time fixed effect \(\psi_t\) is a parameter that is constant across individuals for each time period.

Note however that, despite the fact that fixed effects are commonly used in panel setting, one does not need a panel data set to work with fixed effects. For example, cluster randomized trials with cluster fixed effects, or wage regressions with worker and firm fixed effects.

In this “quick start” guide, we will show you how to estimate a fixed effect model using the PyFixest package. We do not go into the details of the theory behind fixed effect models, but we focus on how to estimate them using PyFixest.

Read Sample Data

In a first step, we load the module and some synthetic example data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
    from lets_plot import LetsPlot
    _HAS_LETS_PLOT = True
except ImportError:
    _HAS_LETS_PLOT = False

from marginaleffects import slopes, avg_slopes

import pyfixest as pf


%load_ext watermark
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = "retina"
%watermark --iversions

data = pf.get_data()

matplotlib: 3.10.0
pyfixest  : 0.28.0
pandas    : 2.2.3
numpy     : 2.1.3
Y Y2 X1 X2 f1 f2 f3 group_id Z1 Z2 weights
0 NaN 2.357103 0.0 0.457858 15.0 0.0 7.0 9.0 -0.330607 1.054826 0.661478
1 -1.458643 5.163147 NaN -4.998406 6.0 21.0 4.0 8.0 NaN -4.113690 0.772732
2 0.169132 0.751140 2.0 1.558480 NaN 1.0 7.0 16.0 1.207778 0.465282 0.990929
3 3.319513 -2.656368 1.0 1.560402 1.0 10.0 11.0 3.0 2.869997 0.467570 0.021123
4 0.134420 -1.866416 2.0 -3.472232 19.0 20.0 6.0 14.0 0.835819 -3.115669 0.790815
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   Y         999 non-null    float64
 1   Y2        1000 non-null   float64
 2   X1        999 non-null    float64
 3   X2        1000 non-null   float64
 4   f1        999 non-null    float64
 5   f2        1000 non-null   float64
 6   f3        1000 non-null   float64
 7   group_id  1000 non-null   float64
 8   Z1        999 non-null    float64
 9   Z2        1000 non-null   float64
 10  weights   1000 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(11)
memory usage: 86.1 KB

We see that some of our columns have missing data.

OLS Estimation

We are interested in the relation between the dependent variable Y and the independent variables X1 using a fixed effect model for group_id. Let’s see how the data looks like:

ax = data.plot(kind="scatter", x="X1", y="Y", c="group_id", colormap="viridis")

We can estimate a fixed effects regression via the feols() function. feols() has three arguments: a two-sided model formula, the data, and optionally, the type of inference.

fit = pf.feols(fml="Y ~ X1 | group_id", data=data, vcov="HC1")

The first part of the formula contains the dependent variable and “regular” covariates, while the second part contains fixed effects.

feols() returns an instance of the Fixest class.

Inspecting Model Results

To inspect the results, we can use a summary function or method:


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: group_id
Inference:  HC1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -1.019 |        0.082 |   -12.352 |      0.000 | -1.181 |  -0.857 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.137 R2 Within: 0.126 

Or display a formatted regression table:

X1 -1.019***
group_id x
Observations 998
S.E. type hetero
R2 0.137
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

Alternatively, the .summarize module contains a summary function, which can be applied on instances of regression model objects or lists of regression model objects. For details on how to customize etable(), please take a look at the dedicated vignette.


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: group_id
Inference:  HC1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -1.019 |        0.082 |   -12.352 |      0.000 | -1.181 |  -0.857 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.137 R2 Within: 0.126 

You can access individual elements of the summary via dedicated methods: .tidy() returns a “tidy” pd.DataFrame, .coef() returns estimated parameters, and se() estimated standard errors. Other methods include pvalue(), confint() and tstat().

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
X1 -1.019009 0.082498 -12.351897 0.0 -1.180898 -0.857119
X1   -1.019009
Name: Estimate, dtype: float64
X1    0.082498
Name: Std. Error, dtype: float64
X1   -12.351897
Name: t value, dtype: float64
2.5% 97.5%
X1 -1.180898 -0.857119

Last, model results can be visualized via dedicated methods for plotting:

# or pf.coefplot([fit])

How to interpret the results?

Let’s have a quick d-tour on the intuition behind fixed effects models using the example above. To do so, let us begin by comparing it with a simple OLS model.

fit_simple = pf.feols("Y ~ X1", data=data, vcov="HC1")


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: 0
Inference:  HC1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| Intercept     |      0.919 |        0.112 |     8.223 |      0.000 |  0.699 |   1.138 |
| X1            |     -1.000 |        0.082 |   -12.134 |      0.000 | -1.162 |  -0.838 |
RMSE: 2.158 R2: 0.123 

We can compare both models side by side in a regression table:

pf.etable([fit, fit_simple])
(1) (2)
X1 -1.019***
Intercept 0.919***
group_id x -
Observations 998 998
S.E. type hetero hetero
R2 0.137 0.123
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

We see that the X1 coefficient is -1.019, which is less than the value from the OLS model in column (2). Where is the difference coming from? Well, in the fixed effect model we are interested in controlling for the feature group_id. One possibility to do this is by adding a simple dummy variable for each level of group_id.

fit_dummy = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + C(group_id) ", data=data, vcov="HC1")


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: 0
Inference:  HC1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient         |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| Intercept           |      0.760 |        0.288 |     2.640 |      0.008 |  0.195 |   1.326 |
| X1                  |     -1.019 |        0.083 |   -12.234 |      0.000 | -1.182 |  -0.856 |
| C(group_id)[T.1.0]  |      0.380 |        0.451 |     0.844 |      0.399 | -0.504 |   1.264 |
| C(group_id)[T.2.0]  |      0.084 |        0.389 |     0.216 |      0.829 | -0.680 |   0.848 |
| C(group_id)[T.3.0]  |      0.790 |        0.415 |     1.904 |      0.057 | -0.024 |   1.604 |
| C(group_id)[T.4.0]  |     -0.189 |        0.388 |    -0.487 |      0.626 | -0.950 |   0.572 |
| C(group_id)[T.5.0]  |      0.537 |        0.388 |     1.385 |      0.166 | -0.224 |   1.297 |
| C(group_id)[T.6.0]  |      0.307 |        0.398 |     0.771 |      0.441 | -0.474 |   1.087 |
| C(group_id)[T.7.0]  |      0.015 |        0.422 |     0.035 |      0.972 | -0.814 |   0.844 |
| C(group_id)[T.8.0]  |      0.382 |        0.406 |     0.941 |      0.347 | -0.415 |   1.179 |
| C(group_id)[T.9.0]  |      0.219 |        0.417 |     0.526 |      0.599 | -0.599 |   1.037 |
| C(group_id)[T.10.0] |     -0.363 |        0.422 |    -0.861 |      0.390 | -1.191 |   0.465 |
| C(group_id)[T.11.0] |      0.201 |        0.387 |     0.520 |      0.603 | -0.559 |   0.961 |
| C(group_id)[T.12.0] |     -0.110 |        0.410 |    -0.268 |      0.788 | -0.915 |   0.694 |
| C(group_id)[T.13.0] |      0.126 |        0.440 |     0.287 |      0.774 | -0.736 |   0.989 |
| C(group_id)[T.14.0] |      0.353 |        0.416 |     0.848 |      0.397 | -0.464 |   1.170 |
| C(group_id)[T.15.0] |      0.469 |        0.398 |     1.179 |      0.239 | -0.312 |   1.249 |
| C(group_id)[T.16.0] |     -0.135 |        0.396 |    -0.340 |      0.734 | -0.913 |   0.643 |
| C(group_id)[T.17.0] |     -0.005 |        0.401 |    -0.013 |      0.989 | -0.792 |   0.781 |
| C(group_id)[T.18.0] |      0.283 |        0.403 |     0.702 |      0.483 | -0.508 |   1.074 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.137 

This is does not scale well! Imagine you have 1000 different levels of group_id. You would need to add 1000 dummy variables to your model. This is where fixed effect models come in handy. They allow you to control for these fixed effects without adding all these dummy variables. The way to do it is by a demeaning procedure. The idea is to subtract the average value of each level of group_id from the respective observations. This way, we control for the fixed effects without adding all these dummy variables. Let’s try to do this manually:

def _demean_column(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str, by: str) -> pd.Series:
    return df[column] - df.groupby(by)[column].transform("mean")

fit_demeaned = pf.feols(
    fml="Y_demeaned ~ X1_demeaned",
        Y_demeaned=lambda df: _demean_column(df, "Y", "group_id"),
        X1_demeaned=lambda df: _demean_column(df, "X1", "group_id"),


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y_demeaned, Fixed effects: 0
Inference:  HC1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| Intercept     |      0.003 |        0.068 |     0.041 |      0.968 | -0.130 |   0.136 |
| X1_demeaned   |     -1.019 |        0.083 |   -12.345 |      0.000 | -1.181 |  -0.857 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.126 

We get the same results as the fixed effect model Y1 ~ X | group_id above. The PyFixest package uses a more efficient algorithm to estimate the fixed effect model, but the intuition is the same.

Updating Regression Coefficients

You can update the coefficients of a model object via the update() method, which may be useful in an online learning setting where data arrives sequentially.

To see this in action, let us first fit a model on a subset of the data:

data_subsample = data.sample(frac=0.5)
m = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2", data=data_subsample)
# current coefficient vector
array([ 0.828086  , -0.90570292, -0.17434202])

Then sample 5 new observations and update the model with the new data. The update rule is

\[ \hat{\beta}_{n+1} = \hat{\beta}_n + (X_{n+1}' X_{n+1})^{-1} x_{n+1} + (y_{n+1} - x_{n+1} \hat{\beta}_n) \]

for a new observation \((x_{n+1}, y_{n+1})\).

new_points_id = np.random.choice(list(set(data.index) - set(data_subsample.index)), 5)
X_new, y_new = (
    np.c_[np.ones(len(new_points_id)), data.loc[new_points_id][["X1", "X2"]].values],
m.update(X_new, y_new)
array([ 0.80548025, -0.90087572, -0.17258848])

We verify that we get the same results if we had estimated the model on the appended data.

    "Y ~ X1 + X2", data=data.loc[data_subsample.index.append(pd.Index(new_points_id))]
array([ 0.80548025, -0.90087572, -0.17258848])

Standard Errors and Inference

Supported covariance types are “iid”, “HC1-3”, CRV1 and CRV3 (up to two-way clustering).

Why do we have so many different types of standard errors?

The standard errors of the coefficients are crucial for inference. They tell us how certain we can be about the estimated coefficients. In the presence of heteroskedasticity (a situation which typically arises with cross-sectional data), the standard OLS standard errors are biased. The pyfixest package provides several types of standard errors that are robust to heteroskedasticity.

  • iid: assumes that the error variance is spherical, i.e. errors are homoskedastic and not correlated (independent and identically distributed errors have a spherical error variance).
  • HC1-3: heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors according to White (1980) and MacKinnon and White (1985). See Econometric Computing with HC and HAC Covariance Matrix Estimators from the sandwich package for more details.
  • CRV1 and CRV3: cluster robust standard errors according to Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011). See A Practitioner’s Guide to Cluster-Robust Inference. For CRV1 and CRV3 one should pass a dictionaty of the form {"CRV1": "clustervar"}.

Inference can be adjusted “on-the-fly” via the .vcov() method:

fit.vcov({"CRV1": "group_id + f2"}).summary()

fit.vcov({"CRV3": "group_id"}).summary()

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: group_id
Inference:  CRV1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -1.019 |        0.121 |    -8.450 |      0.000 | -1.272 |  -0.766 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.137 R2 Within: 0.126 

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: group_id
Inference:  CRV3
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -1.019 |        0.125 |    -8.179 |      0.000 | -1.281 |  -0.757 |
RMSE: 2.141 R2: 0.137 R2 Within: 0.126 

The estimated covariance matrix is available as an attribute of the Feols object called ._vcov.

Inference via the Wild Bootstrap

It is also possible to run a wild (cluster) bootstrap after estimation (via the wildboottest module, see MacKinnon, J. G., Nielsen, M. Ø., & Webb, M. D. (2023). Fast and reliable jackknife and bootstrap methods for cluster-robust inference. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(5), 671–694.):

fit2 = pf.feols(fml="Y ~ X1", data=data, vcov={"CRV1": "group_id"})
fit2.wildboottest(param="X1", reps=999)
param                             X1
t value           -8.567586579080423
Pr(>|t|)                         0.0
bootstrap_type                    11
inference              CRV(group_id)
impose_null                     True
ssc                         1.056615
dtype: object

The Causal Cluster Variance Estimator

Additionally, PyFixest supports the causal cluster variance estimator following Abadie et al. (2023). Let’s look into it with another data set:

df = pd.read_stata("")

ln_earnings educ hours state college
0 11.91839 18.0 50.0 44.0 1.0
1 11.48247 11.0 42.0 44.0 0.0
2 10.46310 12.0 42.0 44.0 0.0
3 10.22194 13.0 40.0 44.0 1.0
4 9.21034 13.0 8.0 44.0 1.0
axes = df.plot.hist(column=["ln_earnings"], by=["college"])

Now we can estimate the model ln_earnings ~ college where we cluster the standard errors at the state level:

fit3 = pf.feols("ln_earnings ~ college", vcov={"CRV1": "state"}, data=df)
fit3.ccv(treatment="college", pk=0.05, n_splits=2, seed=929)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
CCV 0.4656425903701483 0.00348 133.820079 0.0 0.458657 0.472628
CRV1 0.465643 0.027142 17.155606 0.0 0.411152 0.520133

Randomization Inference

You can also conduct inference via randomization inference (see Heß, Stata Journal 2017). PyFixest supports random and cluster random sampling.

fit2.ritest(resampvar="X1=0", reps=1000, cluster="group_id")
H0                                     X1=0
ri-type                     randomization-c
Estimate                 -1.000085840074156
Pr(>|t|)                                0.0
Std. Error (Pr(>|t|))                   0.0
2.5% (Pr(>|t|))                         0.0
97.5% (Pr(>|t|))                        0.0
Cluster                            group_id
dtype: object

Multiple Testing Corrections: Bonferroni and Romano-Wolf

To correct for multiple testing, p-values can be adjusted via either the Bonferroni, the method by Romano and Wolf (2005), see for example The Romano-Wolf Multiple Hypothesis Correction in Stata, and the method by Westfall & Young (see here).

pf.bonferroni([fit, fit2], param="X1").round(3)
est0 est1
Estimate -1.019 -1.000
Std. Error 0.125 0.117
t value -8.179 -8.568
Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000
2.5% -1.281 -1.245
97.5% -0.757 -0.755
Bonferroni Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000
pf.rwolf([fit, fit2], param="X1", reps=9999, seed=1234).round(3)
est0 est1
Estimate -1.019 -1.000
Std. Error 0.125 0.117
t value -8.179 -8.568
Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000
2.5% -1.281 -1.245
97.5% -0.757 -0.755
RW Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000
pf.wyoung([fit, fit2], param="X1", reps=9999, seed=1234).round(3)
est0 est1
Estimate -1.019 -1.000
Std. Error 0.125 0.117
t value -8.179 -8.568
Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000
2.5% -1.281 -1.245
97.5% -0.757 -0.755
WY Pr(>|t|) 0.000 0.000

Joint Confidence Intervals

Simultaneous confidence bands for a vector of parameters can be computed via the joint_confint() method. See Simultaneous confidence bands: Theory, implementation, and an application to SVARs for background.

fit_ci = pf.feols("Y ~ X1+ C(f1)", data=data)
2.5% 97.5%
Intercept -0.427036 1.404947
X1 -1.160984 -0.737898
C(f1)[T.1.0] 1.382793 3.782505
C(f1)[T.2.0] -2.840376 -0.323492
C(f1)[T.3.0] -1.609890 0.985222

Panel Data Example: Causal Inference for the Brave and True

In this example we replicate the results of the great (freely available reference!) Causal Inference for the Brave and True - Chapter 14. Please refer to the original text for a detailed explanation of the data.

data_path = ""
data_df = pd.read_csv(data_path)

nr year black exper hisp hours married educ union lwage expersq occupation
0 13 1980 0 1 0 2672 0 14 0 1.197540 1 9
1 13 1981 0 2 0 2320 0 14 1 1.853060 4 9
2 13 1982 0 3 0 2940 0 14 0 1.344462 9 9
3 13 1983 0 4 0 2960 0 14 0 1.433213 16 9
4 13 1984 0 5 0 3071 0 14 0 1.568125 25 5

The objective is to estimate the effect of the variable married on the variable lwage using a fixed effect model on the entity variable nr and the time variable year.

panel_fit = pf.feols(
    fml="lwage ~ expersq + union + married + hours | nr + year",
    vcov={"CRV1": "nr + year"},

expersq -0.006***
union 0.073*
married 0.048*
hours -0.000**
nr x
year x
Observations 4360
S.E. type by: nr+year
R2 0.631
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

We obtain the same results as in the book!

Instrumental Variables (IV) Estimation

It is also possible to estimate instrumental variable models with one endogenous variable and (potentially multiple) instruments.

In general, the syntax for IV is depvar ~ exog.vars | fixef effects | endog.vars ~ instruments.

iv_fit = pf.feols(fml="Y2 ~ 1 | f1 + f2 | X1 ~ Z1 + Z2", data=data)

Estimation:  IV
Dep. var.: Y2, Fixed effects: f1+f2
Inference:  CRV1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -1.600 |        0.333 |    -4.801 |      0.000 | -2.282 |  -0.919 |

If the model does not contain any fixed effects, just drop the second part of the formula above:

pf.feols(fml="Y ~ 1 | X1 ~ Z1 + Z2", data=data).summary()

Estimation:  IV
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: 0
Inference:  iid
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| Intercept     |      0.911 |        0.156 |     5.843 |      0.000 |  0.605 |   1.217 |
| X1            |     -0.993 |        0.134 |    -7.398 |      0.000 | -1.256 |  -0.730 |

You can access the first stage regression object via the ._model_1st_stage attribute:

pf.etable([iv_fit._model_1st_stage, iv_fit])
X1 Y2
(1) (2)
Z1 0.395***
Z2 -0.005
X1 -1.600***
f2 x x
f1 x x
Observations 998 998
S.E. type by: f1 by: f1
R2 0.431 -
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

You can access the F-Statistic of the first stage via the _f_stat_1st_stage attribute:


Via the IV_Diag method, you can compute additional IV Diagnostics, as the effective F-statistic following Olea & Pflueger (2013):


IV estimation with multiple endogenous variables and multiple estimation syntax is currently not supported.

Poisson Regression

It is possible to estimate Poisson Regressions (for example, to model count data). We can showcase this feature with another synthetic data set.

pois_data = pf.get_data(model="Fepois")

ax = pois_data.plot(

pois_fit = pf.fepois(fml="Y ~ X1 | group_id", data=pois_data, vcov={"CRV1": "group_id"})

Estimation:  Poisson
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: group_id
Inference:  CRV1
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |      0.004 |        0.032 |     0.119 |      0.905 | -0.060 |   0.067 |
Deviance: 1126.202 

Tests of Multiple Hypothesis / Wald Tests

You can test multiple hypotheses simultaneously via the wald_test method.

fit = pf.feols("Y ~ X1 + X2 | f1", data=data)

For example, to test the joint null hypothesis of \(X_{1} = 0\) and \(X_{2} = 0\) vs the alternative that \(X_{1} \neq 0\) or \(X_{2} \neq 0\), we would run

statistic    1.464780e+02
pvalue       6.661338e-16
dtype: float64

Alternatively, suppose we wanted to test a more complicated joint null hypothesis: \(X_{1} + 2X_{2} = 2.0\) and \(X_{2} = 1.0\). To do so, we would define \(R\) and \(q\) as

R1 = np.array([[1, 2], [0, 1]])
q1 = np.array([2.0, 1.0])
fit.wald_test(R=R1, q=q1)
/home/runner/work/pyfixest/pyfixest/pyfixest/estimation/ UserWarning: Distribution changed to chi2, as R is not an identity matrix and q is not a zero vector.
statistic    4273.462101
pvalue          0.000000
dtype: float64

Other GLMs (without fixed effects)

PyFixest experimentally supports a range of other GLMs without fixed effects (adding fixed effect support is WIP) via the pf.feglm() function. Full support with all bells and whistles (in particular, fixed effects demeaning) is planned for PyFixest 0.29.

data_glm = pf.get_data(N=100, seed = 170)
data_glm["Y"] = np.where(data_glm["Y"] > 0, 1, 0)

fit_gaussian = pf.feglm(fml = "Y~X1", data = data_glm, family = "gaussian")
fit_logit = pf.feglm(fml = "Y~X1", data = data_glm, family = "logit")
fit_probit = pf.feglm(fml = "Y~X1", data = data_glm, family = "probit")

(1) (2) (3)
X1 -0.059
Intercept 0.377***
Observations 99 99 99
S.E. type iid iid iid
R2 - - -
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

You can make predictions on the response and link scale via the predict() method:

fit_logit.predict(type = "response")[0:5]
fit_logit.predict(type = "link")[0:5]
array([-0.49677152, -1.046612  , -1.046612  , -0.77169176, -1.046612  ])

You can compute the average marginal effect via the marginaleffects package:

avg_slopes(fit_logit, variables = "X1")
shape: (1, 9)

Please take a look at the marginaleffects book to learn about other transformations that the marginaleffects package supports.

Multiple Estimation

PyFixest supports a range of multiple estimation functionality: sw, sw0, csw, csw0, and multiple dependent variables. The meaning of these options is explained in the Multiple Estimations vignette of the fixest package:

  • sw: this function is replaced sequentially by each of its arguments. For example, y ~ x1 + sw(x2, x3) leads to two estimations: y ~ x1 + x2 and y ~ x1 + x3.
  • sw0: identical to sw but first adds the empty element. E.g. y ~ x1 + sw0(x2, x3) leads to three estimations: y ~ x1, y ~ x1 + x2 and y ~ x1 + x3.
  • csw: it stands for cumulative stepwise. It adds to the formula each of its arguments sequentially. E.g. y ~ x1 + csw(x2, x3) will become y ~ x1 + x2 and y ~ x1 + x2 + x3.
  • csw0: identical to csw but first adds the empty element. E.g. y ~ x1 + csw0(x2, x3) leads to three estimations: y ~ x1, y ~ x1 + x2 and y ~ x1 + x2 + x3.

Additionally, we support split and fsplit function arguments. > - split allows to split a sample by a given variable. If specified, pf.feols() and pf.fepois() will loop through all resulting sample splits. > - fsplit works just as split, but fits the model on the full sample as well.

If multiple regression syntax is used, feols() and fepois returns an instance of a FixestMulti object, which essentially consists of a dicionary of Fepois or Feols instances.

multi_fit = pf.feols(fml="Y ~ X1 | csw0(f1, f2)", data=data, vcov="HC1")
<pyfixest.estimation.FixestMulti_.FixestMulti at 0x7f783e7251c0>
(1) (2) (3)
X1 -1.000***
Intercept 0.919***
f2 - - x
f1 - x x
Observations 998 997 997
S.E. type hetero hetero hetero
R2 0.123 0.437 0.609
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

You can access an individual model by its name - i.e. a formula - via the all_fitted_models attribute.

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 0.918518 0.111707 8.222580 6.661338e-16 0.699310 1.137725
X1 -1.000086 0.082420 -12.134086 0.000000e+00 -1.161822 -0.838350

or equivalently via the fetch_model method:

Model:  Y~X1
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 2.5% 97.5%
Intercept 0.918518 0.111707 8.222580 6.661338e-16 0.699310 1.137725
X1 -1.000086 0.082420 -12.134086 0.000000e+00 -1.161822 -0.838350

Here, 0 simply fetches the first model stored in the all_fitted_models dictionary, 1 the second etc.

Objects of type Fixest come with a range of additional methods: tidy(), coef(), vcov() etc, which essentially loop over the equivalent methods of all fitted models. E.g. Fixest.vcov() updates inference for all models stored in Fixest.


Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: 0
Inference:  iid
Observations:  998

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| Intercept     |      0.919 |        0.112 |     8.214 |      0.000 |  0.699 |   1.138 |
| X1            |     -1.000 |        0.085 |   -11.802 |      0.000 | -1.166 |  -0.834 |
RMSE: 2.158 R2: 0.123 

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: f1
Inference:  iid
Observations:  997

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -0.949 |        0.069 |   -13.846 |      0.000 | -1.084 |  -0.815 |
RMSE: 1.73 R2: 0.437 R2 Within: 0.161 

Estimation:  OLS
Dep. var.: Y, Fixed effects: f1+f2
Inference:  iid
Observations:  997

| Coefficient   |   Estimate |   Std. Error |   t value |   Pr(>|t|) |   2.5% |   97.5% |
| X1            |     -0.919 |        0.058 |   -15.797 |      0.000 | -1.033 |  -0.805 |
RMSE: 1.441 R2: 0.609 R2 Within: 0.2 

You can summarize multiple models at once via etable(). etable() has many options to customize the output to obtain publication-ready tables.

    [fit, fit2],
    labels={"Y": "Wage", "X1": "Age", "X2": "Years of Schooling"},
    felabels={"f1": "Industry Fixed Effects"},
    caption="Regression Results",
Regression Results
(1) (2)
Age -0.950***
Years of Schooling -0.174***
Intercept 0.919***
Industry Fixed Effects x -
Observations 997 998
S.E. type by: f1 by: group_id
R2 0.489 0.123
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

You can also visualize multiple estimation results via iplot() and coefplot():


Difference-in-Differences / Event Study Designs

PyFixest supports eventy study designs via two-way fixed effects, Gardner’s 2-stage estimator, and the linear projections estimator.

url = ""
df_het = pd.read_csv(url)

unit state group unit_fe g year year_fe treat rel_year rel_year_binned error te te_dynamic dep_var
0 1 33 Group 2 7.043016 2010 1990 0.066159 False -20.0 -6 -0.086466 0 0.0 7.022709
1 1 33 Group 2 7.043016 2010 1991 -0.030980 False -19.0 -6 0.766593 0 0.0 7.778628
2 1 33 Group 2 7.043016 2010 1992 -0.119607 False -18.0 -6 1.512968 0 0.0 8.436377
3 1 33 Group 2 7.043016 2010 1993 0.126321 False -17.0 -6 0.021870 0 0.0 7.191207
4 1 33 Group 2 7.043016 2010 1994 -0.106921 False -16.0 -6 -0.017603 0 0.0 6.918492
fit_did2s = pf.did2s(
    first_stage="~ 0 | state + year",
    second_stage="~i(rel_year,ref= -1.0)",

fit_twfe = pf.feols(
    "dep_var ~ i(rel_year,ref = -1.0) | state + year",
    vcov={"CRV1": "state"},

from import rename_categoricals
    [fit_did2s, fit_twfe], coord_flip=False, figsize=(900, 400), title="TWFE vs DID2S", rotate_xticks=90,
    labels= rename_categoricals(fit_did2s._coefnames, template="{value_int}")

The event_study() function provides a common API for several event study estimators.

fit_twfe = pf.event_study(

fit_did2s = pf.event_study(

pf.etable([fit_twfe, fit_did2s])
dep_var dep_var_hat
(1) (2)
ATT 2.135***
state x -
year x -
Observations 46500 46500
S.E. type by: state CRV1
R2 0.758 0.338
Significance levels: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Format of coefficient cell: Coefficient (Std. Error)

For more details see the vignette on Difference-in-Differences Estimation.