
estimation.Fepois(self, Y, X, fe, weights, coefnames, drop_singletons, collin_tol, maxiter=25, tol=1e-08, fixef_tol=1e-08, solver='np.linalg.solve', weights_name=None, weights_type=None)

Estimate a Poisson regression model.

Non user-facing class to estimate a Poisson regression model via Iterated Weighted Least Squares (IWLS).

Inherits from the Feols class. Users should not directly instantiate this class, but rather use the fepois() function. Note that no demeaning is performed in this class: demeaning is performed in the FixestMulti class (to allow for caching of demeaned variables for multiple estimation).

The method implements the algorithm from Stata’s ppmlhdfe module.


Name Type Description
Y np.ndarray Dependent variable, a two-dimensional numpy array.
X np.ndarray Independent variables, a two-dimensional numpy array.
fe np.ndarray Fixed effects, a two-dimensional numpy array or None.
weights np.ndarray Weights, a one-dimensional numpy array or None.
coefnames list[str] Names of the coefficients in the design matrix X.
drop_singletons bool Whether to drop singleton fixed effects.
collin_tol float Tolerance level for the detection of collinearity.
maxiter Optional[int], default=25 Maximum number of iterations for the IRLS algorithm.
tol Optional[float], default=1e-08 Tolerance level for the convergence of the IRLS algorithm.
solver (str, default is np.linalg.solve) Solver to use for the estimation. Alternative is ‘np.linalg.lstsq’.
fixef_tol float, default = 1e-08. Tolerance level for the convergence of the demeaning algorithm.
weights_name Optional[str] Name of the weights variable.
weights_type Optional[str] Type of weights variable.


Name Description
get_fit Fit a Poisson Regression Model via Iterated Weighted Least Squares (IWLS).
predict Return predicted values from regression model.



Fit a Poisson Regression Model via Iterated Weighted Least Squares (IWLS).


Type Description


Name Type Description
beta_hat np.ndarray Estimated coefficients.
Y_hat np.ndarray Estimated dependent variable.
u_hat np.ndarray Estimated residuals.
weights np.ndarray Weights (from the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm).
X np.ndarray Demeaned independent variables (from the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm).
Z np.ndarray Demeaned independent variables (from the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm).
Y np.ndarray Demeaned dependent variable (from the last iteration of the IRLS algorithm).


estimation.Fepois.predict(newdata=None, type='link')

Return predicted values from regression model.

Return a flat np.array with predicted values of the regression model. If new fixed effect levels are introduced in newdata, predicted values for such observations will be set to NaN.


Name Type Description Default
newdata Union[None, pd.DataFrame] A pd.DataFrame with the new data, to be used for prediction. If None (default), uses the data used for fitting the model. None
type str The type of prediction to be computed. Can be either “response” (default) or “link”. If type=“response”, the output is at the level of the response variable, i.e., it is the expected predictor E(Y|X). If “link”, the output is at the level of the explanatory variables, i.e., the linear predictor X @ beta. 'link'


Type Description
np.ndarray A flat array with the predicted values of the regression model.